Sunday, November 28, 2010

Holiday Party Reminder - December 4th, 2010


Just a reminder that the MAARC 'OBXMAS' party is this Saturday, December 4th, 7:00 pm at the Elizabethan Inn in Manteo, NC. Hopefully you have your reservations already - Ron gets the head count for the caterer based on how many rooms are listed under the Alfa Romeo Club group rate.

In case this is your first MAARC Holiday party, or like most of us, you forget a lot of stuff, here's how it works:
  • For those that arrive on Friday, there will be a group dinner event for those interested. Ron has chosen the place and guarantees all the food you can eat up until the restaurant has emptied the freezer for the season. There are also events in downtown Manteo.
  • Also for Friday and early Saturday arrivers, there will be a group drive on Saturday morning. The drive starts at 9:00am and will go down to the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse with stops at the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum and the 'Nights in Rodanthe' house. Stay tuned for the itinerary to be provided in a separate post.
  • The party itself starts at 7:00pm at the hotel 'party room' . IT'S BYOB - so bring what you want to drink and something to drink it in. Alfa Babe desserts are also highly encouraged! The Chinese gift exchange is optional, but is the best part of the party. If you wish to participate, bring a wrapped gift of about $10 value. Alfa and car enthusiast related gifts get scrapped over the most, however there have been numerous non car related gifts that have been highly popular in the past, especially with the XX chromosome crowd.
  • Usually there is some sort of group breakfast effort on Sunday - but that depends on how good a time you had Saturday night!

Well that's about it - Buon Natale tutti Alfisiti!

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