Alfisto Stefano and Maria Leah return safely from Italy!
We can highly recommend Hotel David just south of the Arno River (Fiume Arno) near Florence (Firenze)
Another hotel we enjoyed inside Siena's wall was the Palazzo Ravizza
We spent 6 days between these two Italian hotels and another 7 days staying in two US Army hotels near Vicenza and Pisa. Caserma (Camp) Ederle and Caserma (Camp) Darby.
We rented from Avis IT a Fiat 500 and tested my meddle navigating the highways and byways of Italy. Survived rush hour traffic in Florence twice and ran out with the best of the Alfas, Bimmers, Mercedes and Volvos on the Autostrados, SuperStrados, and country roads. Oh I forgot to mention the semi trucks!
We drove north to see my friend Chris and his wife Susan. they live near and work at Aviano Air Base. they have a nice home in small town called Casarsa della Delizia located northwest of Trieste.
He is retired from USAF and is also an Alfaholic who drives what else but a 1989 Alfa Romeo 164 Twin Spark. He even let me drive it and his wife said you must be a special friend because nobody has ever been allowed to drive it.
Susan was born down under in AU to Italian parents who had immigrated there, then met and married in AU. They brought her kicking and screaming to IT when she was 14. Boy Howdy can she cook!
We took our Flat Jesus (church project) with us to Italy and managed to get a few pix with him in it. Some of you may have had a Flat Stanley school project with your kids?
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